Monday 6 April 2015

Video :o

Hi Guys sO I Decided Why Not Upload videos To My BlogIdk If The Thing I Use Work So This Is A Test o.o Anywasy Hope You Enjoy ;3

Friday 20 March 2015

My Anime Drawings And Keepiing You In Touch With Info!

Hey Guys So The Weekly Theme On Msp Angelings Is Anime And Posh So Here's 2 Pics <3 ;)
and my umm pooo drawing  below

Oh and just to let u know im making a 2nd blog like art blog,canvas painting,pastel drawings,sketches,anime drawings,random drawing tips and maby tutorials!:o so if ur thinking well i cant do art so im not going on that blog they're will be better pics to better eg not like that up there xDD and there will be tips and tutorials the blog name is-

Friday 27 February 2015

Hi Guys so theres his game <a href="" target="_blank">games for girls</a
and my username is Tiamadaz byeee

Saturday 20 December 2014


Want To Get To Know Me?,Well I Like To Edit With Pixlr An Amazing Site(i) I Dont Really Go On Msp
Much If I Do Its Baerly My Main Btw My Main Account Is -Tiamadaz Btw Its UK Msp My Bffs On MSP Are x<3GamerGirl<3x
Magiclolster Cute And Cool Forever Go Check Them Out? I Do Have My Own Team #Madlings Becouse Im Crazy So Keep Updated!Later On In This Post I Will Probably Tell You some Blogs I Like To Keep Updated With!o-o ETC ETC! Thanks For Now!~Tia